A very delicious and spicy BBQ chicken breast recipe that is super easy to


Preparation Time: 4 Hours Yield: 4-6 Servings


2 pounds chicken breast pieces, skinless and boneless 1 cup BBQ sauce

2 teaspoons of garlic powder 4 teaspoons of honey

4 teaspoons of maple syrup 1 cup white vinegar, distilled 4 cups cooked rice, or

as per servings



1. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl except chicken.

2. Place chicken in a slow cooker and pour the sauce over the top.

3. Cook for 4 hours over low heat.

4. Serve and enjoy it over boiled rice.


Nutrition Information per serving

Calories: 789

Total fat: 6.3g

Cholesterol: 130 mg

Sodium: 650mg

Carb: 121g

Protein: 57.6g






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